Dave & Ethan's 2000" Weird Al Podcast

creating a podcast based around “Weird Al” Yankovic and his fand

  • 60 members
  • 136 posts
  • $362.5/month

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Good Enough For Now
 / month
You love Dave & Ethan's 2000" Weird Al Podcast - to a point! You're only willing to give us one measly dollar a month, but it's better than nothing (I guess?).  Eh, we'll take it.

As a thank you, Dave and Ethan will mention your name on the podcast as a supporter once - but only once - it's a dollar, remember?

Okay, once in a while.  There, are you happy now?
Most popular
Internet Leaks
 / month

Supporters get early access to every Dave & Ethan's 2000" Weird Al Podcast BONUS EPISODE!

Supports also get access to SECRET EPISODES, which include bonus clips, outtakes and more that didn't make it to air!

Also, as a thank you, Dave and Ethan will mention your name on the podcast, as a supporter, once in a while.

Close Personal Friend
 / month

Supporters get their name mentioned on every INCH episode released that month, plus their name added to the official website for that month!

Also included, access to everything the Internet Leaks tier offers - including early access to every BONUS EPISODE, and all those really cool SECRET EPISODES, which include bonus clips, outtakes and more that didn't make it to air!

 / month

Nothing!  Absolutely nothing!  STUPID!  YOU'RE SO STUPID!          

Long-Time Podcast Sponsor
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Sold Out

Limited spaces - SOLD OUT

Podcast Sponsor
 / month

Limited (3 of 3 remaining)

For a MERE $45, you can sponsor our podcast for the month! You can choose what you're sponsoring (podcast hosting, Frank's meals, Dave and Ethan's solid gold humvee). We will mention you or your business and a brief messages of your choice as a sponsor on each INCH episode released that month!

Also included, access to everything the Close Personal Friend and Internet Leaks tiers offers.

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Dave & Ethan's 2000" Weird Al Podcast

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